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Ryan Stewart Judge app

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Ryan Stewart Judge app Empty Ryan Stewart Judge app

Post  the_legend_2828 Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:00 pm

F O R T H E D I S T R I C T O F San Andreas
Type or legibly print your an swers. If a question in not applicab le, indicate this by marking “N/A.” Return
completed form to Cler k of Court.
Gene ral
1. Ful l name :Ryan Stewart
2. Al l othe r name s by whi ch you have be en known:N/A
3. Of f i c e addr e s s :N/A
Ci ty Los Santos St a t San Andreas
Te l ephone 19132
4. Re s ident i a l addre s s : Idelwood Apt 10
Ci ty Los Santos St a t e San Andreas
Te l ephone 19132
5. Pl a c e of bi r th: Los Santos
Da t e of bi r th: January
6. Length of r e sidenc e in s t a te : 15 Years
7. I f you a r e a na tur a l i z ed c i ti z en, s t a t e the da t e and pl a c e of na tur a l i z at ion.

Type or legibly print your an swers. If a question in not applicab le, indicate this by marking “N/A.” Return
completed form to Cler k of Court.
Gene ral
1. Ful l name : Ryan Stewart
2. Al l othe r name s by whi ch you have be en known: N/A
3. Of f i c e addr e s s : N/A
Ci ty Los Santos St a t e San Andreas
Te l ephone19132
4. Re s ident i a l addre s s : Idelwood Apt 10
Ci ty_______________________St a t e________________Zip________________
Te l ephone_________________________________________________________
5. Pl a c e of bi r th:______________________________________________________
Da t e of bi r th:_______________________________________________________
6. Length of r e sidenc e in s t a te :___________________________________________
7. I f you a r e a na tur a l i z ed c i ti z en, s t a t e the da t e and pl a c e of na tur a l i z at ion.

___8. Mi l i t a ry Se rvi c e :
Br anch N/ADa t e s :_____________________________
_________________________ _____________________________
Rank or Rate o f Disch arge Type o f Disch arge
_____________________________ __________________________________
If still a reserve or natio nal guard member, give service, branch, u nit and pres ent
r ank______________________________________________________________
9. Ar e you r e l a t ed by blood or ma r r i age to any judge of thi s cour t ? Ye s____No____
I f ye s , give name ( s ) and r e l a t ionship.____________________________________
10. Wha t i s the pr e s ent st a t e of your he a lth? Healthy
11. Do you have any di s abi li ty, s e r ious i l lne s s or condi t ion tha t would pr event you f rom
performing the essential functions o f the position.
11. a ) Have you in the l a s t 10 ye a rs ( i ) be en hospit a l i z ed due to injury or s e r ious ment a l or
phys i c a l i l lne s s or drug or a l cohol addi c t ion, or ( i i ) be en pr event ed f rom working or
othe rwi s e inc apa c it a t ed for a pe riod in exc e s s of ten days due to injury or i l lne s s , drug or
a l cohol addi c t ion? I f so, give the pa r ti cul a r s , inc luding the c aus e s , the da t e s, the pl a c e s of
conf inement , and the pr e s ent s t a tus of the condi t ions whi ch c aus ed the conf inement or
inc apa c i t a t ion. None

_____b) Do you have any vi sual or he a r ing impa i rment or othe r ment a l or phys i c a l impa irment
that would affect your ability to perform the duties of a magistrate judge: If so, please
describe th e impairmen t and how your impa irment could be accommodated to allow you to
pe r form the dut ie s of a magi s tr a t e judge ?
No i do not
12. Colleges and universities attended, dates, and degrees:
Harvard University 2005-2010 Degree in Jurisprudence
13. Cont inuing l ega l educ a t ion cour se s compl e t ed wi thin l a s t 10 ye a r s :____________
Honor s
14. We r e you a membe r of l aw r eview? Ye s________ NoX. I f ye s , de s c ribe
rol e :______________________________________________________________
15. I f you have publi shed any l ega l books or a r t ic l e s , l i st them, giving c i ta t ions and
da t e s :_____________________________________________________________
16. Li s t any honor s , pr i z e s , or awa rds you have r e c e ived:_______________________

_____________________Professional Admissions
17. Li s t a l l cour t s ( inc luding s t a t e ba r admi s s ions ) and admini s t r a tive bodi e s having spe c i a l
admi s s ion r equir ement s in whi ch you a re pr e s ent ly admit t ed to pr a c ti c e4, giving the da t e s
of admi s s ion in e a ch c a s e :
Cour t or Admini s tr a t ive Body Da t e of Admi s s ion
___________________________________________ __________________
___________________________________________ __________________
___________________________________________ __________________
Law Prac t i c e
18. State the n ames, address and da tes of employment for a ll law firms with w hich yo u have
be en a s soc i a t ed in pr a c t i c e , a ll gove rnment agenc i e s , and al l pr ivat e bus ine s s organi z a t ions
in whi ch you have be en employed. Al so provide a l l da t e s during whi ch you have pra c t i c ed
as a sole practitioner.
Organi z a t ion Address Pos i t ion Da t e s
Bendi law firm ___________________ _______________ ___________
_________________________ ___________________ _______________ ___________
_________________________ ___________________ _______________ ___________
_________________________ ___________________ _______________ ___________
19. De s c r ibe the gene ra l na tur e of your cur r ent pr a c ti c e inc luding any l ega l spe ci a l i t i es and
cha r a c t e r of your typi c a l c l ient s : a l so, i f your pr a c t ic e i s subs t anti a l ly di f fe r ent now than
pr evious ly, give de ta i l s of pr ior pr a c t i c e . Specializing in criminal law former Assistant District Attorney for Denver Colorado
20. a ) Do you appe a r in Cour t ? Ye s_X_No________

______b) Wha t percentage o f your app earances in the last five years were in
1. Federa l courts __10___%
2. State or local courts of record __75___%
3. Admini s t ra t ive bodi e s __5____%
4. Othe r ____10___%
21. Dur ing the pa s t f ive ye a r s , wha t pe r c ent age of your pr a c t i c e ha s be en t r i a l pra c t i c e ?
22. How f r equent ly have you appe a red in cour t ? __6____t ime s pe r month.
23. How f r equent ly have you appe a red a t admini s tr a t ive he a rings ? _____2___t imes pe r
24. Wha t pe r c ent age of your pr a c t i c e involving li t iga tion ha s be en:
Civil __5_____%
Cr imina l ___90___%
____Tax law ______ __5__%
________________ __________%
________________ __________%

________________25. State the number of cases you have tried to conclusion in courts of record during the past
f ive ye a r s , indi c a t ing whe the r you we r e sol e , a ssoc i a t e , or chie f couns e l . Give c i t a t ions of
any reported cases.
26. Summa r i z e your court room expe r i enc e for the pa s t f ive ye a r s I was frequently in court to prosecute criminals.
27. St a t e the name s and addr e s s e s of adve r s a ry couns e l aga ins t whom you have l i t iga t ed your
pr ima ry c a s e s ove r the pa s t f ive ye a r s :____________________________________
Publ i c Of fi c e
28. Have you ever run for, o r held public office? Yes________No__ X__ _. If yes, give
de t a i l s . _________________________________________________________________
Pr ior Judic ial Expe r ienc e
29. a ) Have you eve r he ld judi c i a l off i c e or be en a c andida t e for judi ci a l of f i c e ? I f so, s ta t e the
cour t s involved and the da t e s of s e rvi c e or da t e s of c andida cy:____None_____

__b) If you h ave held judicial office, state the n ames an d addre sses of counse l who h ave
appe a r ed be for e you who would be knowl edge abl e of your work, t empe r ament and
abi l i t i es :__________None_______________________________________
c ) Pr ior qua s i -judi c i a l s ervi c e :
Name of agency:________________________________________________________
Pos i t ion he ld:__________________________________________________________
He a r ings on wha t types of i s sue s :__________________________________________
Numbe r of c a s e s adjudic a t ed:_____________________________________________
Da t e s of s e rvi c e :________________________________________________________
Business Involvement
30. a ) I f you a r e now an of f i c e r , di re c tor , or othe rwi s e engaged in the management of any
business enterprise, state the name of such enterprise, the natu re of the business, the nature
of your dut i e s , and whe the r you int end to r e s ign such pos it ion immedi a te ly upon your
appointment to judi c i a l of f ic e .
b) Since being admitted to the Bar, h ave you ever engaged in any oc cupation, business,
or prof e s s ion othe r than the pr a c ti c e of l aw? Ye s________No__X_. I f ye s , give
the de t a i l s, inc luding da t e s :_______________________________________________

__c) During the past five years, have you received any fees or comp ensation of any kind,
other than for legal services rendered, from any business enterprise , institution,
organi z a t ion, or a s soc i a tion of any kind? Ye s________No_X___. If ye s , ident ify
the source of such compensation, the nature o f the business enterprise, institution,
organi z a t ion or a s soc i a t ion involved, and the da t e s such compens a t ion wa s pa id.
31. a) Have you ever been arrested, charged, or convicted for violation o f any federal law,
s t a t e l aw, county or muni c ipa l law, r egul a t ion, or ordinanc e ?
Yes_____ ___No__X__. If yes, give details. (Do not includ e traffic violations for
which a fine of $20 0 or less was imposed unless it also included a jail sentence .)
b) Have you, to you r knowledge, ever been un der federal, state, or local investigation for
pos sibl e viola t ion of a c r imina l s t a tue? Ye s__________No___X___. I f ye s , give
pa rt i cul a r s . ___________________________________________________________
32. a ) Have you eve r be en sued by a c l i ent ? Ye s__________No__X____. I f ye s , give
pa r t i cul a rs . ____________________________________________________________
b) Have yo u or your p rofessiona l liability insuran ce carrier ever settled a claim a gainst
you for prof e s s iona l ma lpr a c t ic e ? Ye s________No_X____. I f ye s , give
pa r t i cul a r s, inc luding the amount s involved.
33. Have you ever been ch arged in any civil or criminal pr oceedings w ith conduc t alleged to
involve mora l turpi tude, di shone s ty, or une thi c a l conduc t? Ye s________No__X___.
I f ye s , give pa r t icul a r s . ____________________________________________________
34. Have you eve r be en di sc ipl ined or c it ed for a br e a ch of e thi c s or unprofe s s iona l conduc t by
any cour t , adminis t r a t ive agency, ba r a s soc i a t ion, or othe r prof e s s iona l group?
Ye s________No__X____. I f ye s , give pa r t icul a r s .______________________________

_______35. Have you f i l ed appropri a t e t ax r e turns a s r equi r ed by f ede r a l , s ta t e , loc a l , and othe r
gove rnment author i t i e s ? Ye s__X___No________. If no, expl a in._________________
36. Have any l i ens or c la ims eve r be en ins t i tut ed aga ins t you by the fede r a l , s t a te or loc a l
author i t i e s? Ye s________No__X__. I f ye s , expla in.__________________________
Prof e s s ional and othe r Ac t ivi t ie s
37. a) List all bar associations and legal profession al societies of which you are a member
and give the t i t l e s and da t e s of any of f ic e you have he ld in such groups , and
commi t t e e s to whi ch you be longed._________________________________________
b) List all organizations and clubs, other than bar associations and professional societies
ident i f ied in r e spons e to Que s tion 39. a of whi ch you have be en a membe r dur ing the
pa s t t en ye a r s, inc luding the t i t le s and da t e s of any off i c e s you have he ld in e a ch such
organi z a tion.__None

Supplemental Information
38. St a t e any a chievement s or a c tions you have a c compli shed, demons t r at ing your
commi tment to equal jus t i c e under the l aw._____________________________________
39. State any add itional educ ation or othe r experiences you b elieve wou ld assist you in
holding judic i a l of f i c e._____________________________________________________
40. St a t e any othe r pe r t inent informa t ion r e fl e c t ing posi t ive ly or adve r s e ly on you whi ch you
believe shou ld be disclos ed to the distric t court and th e selection p anel in con nection with
your pos s ibl e nomina t ion a s Uni t ed St a t e s magis t r a t e judge .___________________
41. a) List three individuals as reference who are familiar with your abilities.
Name Address Te l ephone
______________________________ _________________________ _____________
______________________________ _________________________ _____________
______________________________ _________________________ _____________

b) List three individuals as references who are familiar with your p ersonal character.
Name Address Te l ephone
______________________________ ________________________ _____________
______________________________ ________________________ _____________
______________________________ ________________________ _____________
Confidentiality Sta tement
This form w ill be kept confid ential and w ill be examin ed only by members o f the Merit
Se l e c t ion Pane l and the judge s of the di s t r ic t cour t . The individua l s whom you have l i s t ed
a s r e f e r enc e s above may be cont a c t ed by the pane l , but no other employe r s , coll e ague s , or
other individu als will be co ntacted without you r prior appro val.
I declare und er penalty o f perjury tha t the foregoing is tru e and corre ct.
Exe cut ed on Ryan Stewart
Date Signature of Candidate3/6/12
P L E A S E S U B M I T A N O R I GI N A L A N D 1 4 C O P IE S

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